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June 28, 2021 Jeroen Leenarts Episode 35

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Hussle time after WWDC before some well deserved R&R. Join me in finding a couple of great articles to add to your reading list.

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Jeroen Leenarts:

Hi, my name is Leenarts. And this is the 35th episode of my podcast I've been developing software for over eight years now I've been developing iOS apps for over nine years. And I'm also running the Dutch cocoa ads for close to eight years. If you're an iOS app developer, you should listen to my podcast because it will keep you updated on on interesting articles, and events you might not have heard about. In this episode, I'm going to talk about Xcode Doxie. Understanding the Swift UI grid layout system, what are swift concurrency task local values, a better way to ask for one time user's location with the Location button and mastering search in Swift UI. Before we get started, I wanted to do a practical announcement. I was planning on doing lead developer workshop on July 8, but I had to postpone this one to September 2, so it will still happen. But I had to delay it by a couple of weeks because I couldn't execute on July 8, because of some conflicting entries that appeared in my calendar. And I wanted to carry it over the entire summer holiday periods so that the maximum number of people can join. So just to get started with the articles of this week, Xcode Doxie. Getting Started by usual love Xcode 13 brings a whole new system for creating documentation. In his article Keith shows that it is pretty straightforward to use doc see. And if you have been using doc comments before in your Swift code base, then most likely most of the steps that you need to take you are already familiar with. So if you've been documenting the code, just some small adjustments as described in Keith's article, and you will be on your way creating awesome Doxy documentation for your code to rank has an article on the Swift UI grid layout system. And the photos were introduced during the WWDC in 2020, grits were among the most desired features to be included in Swift UI. Up to that point, you still had to create your own implementation to approximate UI collection views in Swift UI. And then, the Swift team officially introduced the lazy fee grid and lazy H grid layouts at WWDC 2020. In his article Rudra, Inc, will go over the basics of Swift UI grid layout, and he will demonstrate how you can create grids. With swift UI by developing a small reminder app, you may have noticed them in the Photos app or in the Calendar app. And it helps to accommodate more vital information on the same screen. By splitting the screen in horizontal rows and vertical columns and UI Kit. This is something that you typically do with a UI collection view. In this article Ronquillo describe how you can actually use the lazy V grits and lazy H grid layouts that were introduced during WWE 2020 to create a grid based layout that is scrollable and performs well. To step back in a swift concurrency matter again, Donnie waltz has written an article called What are swift concurrency task local values. If you have been following along with Swift concurrency in the past few weeks, you might have come across the term task local foes, tasks local values are like the name suggests fellas that are scoped to a certain task. These fellows are only available within the context they're scoped to. And they are really only supposed to be used in a handful of use cases. In his post done, he will explain what these tasks local variables are. And more importantly, he will explain how and when they are useful. And if you want to have a full rundown of task local values and their design, you have to look at the SEC 0311 to ask local failures proposal, which is also linked from Danny's article. So it's a it's a very specific feature within the Swift concurrency system. But still, I remember from back in the day that you had tracked local values and are recommended something similar compared to that. But a task is of course, more tightly scoped than an entire threat. Just have a look at this article. And it's good to have this knowledge in your toolbox so that if you ever run into a situation that this is useful, then you are at least aware of this language feature being available to you on the Swift platform. So to keep going on all the new features that are going to be introduced with iOS 15. And the latest swift release, someone has written an article called a better way to ask for a one time user's location with the Location button. As we all know, privacy is a core feature of all of Apple's products. And it isn't a surprise that users would be concerned about the privacy, especially when it comes to their location. So as a developer when you ask for a user's sensitive data at inappropriate times, or you do not give enough clear context why you need this information, most likely there are users that will reject your request and you will not be able to proceed with all the information that you would like. So Apple in iOS 15 introduces a new way of asking for Use a location called the Location button. In this article saloon tries to investigate what this location button is doing and what problem it is trying to solve, and how you can actually use the Location button in your code. The best part of the Location button is that as an end user, you're able to indicate how precise your location should be shared with the app that you're currently using. And then the final article called Mastering search in Swift UI is by Majid, and the Swift UI released Rippetoe brings a lot of expected features that were missing in previous versions of Swift UI. And one of them is the ability to provide a search feature in your app. Fortunately, there's now a searchable fuel modifier. And in this article, Majeed will try to explain what is searchable modifier exactly does and how you can use it in your code base to create a great search experience for your end users. Majeed starts, first of all with the basics and once the basics are covered, and you know how you can actually implement the searchable modifier, Majeed will go into a number of extra features on the searchable modifier that can be very useful when you want to implement searchability in your app. So based on his article, you should be able to get started creating the search feature in your app based on Swift UI. You will also come to the conclusion that it is now very easy to make something searchable in your app if you are using the searchable fuel modifier. And that's the articles for this week. So now let's move to done is Monday morning tweet. As actually a big announcement in one of the responses to Danny so Monday morning. Sweet. And that's by Nick Ben Porat, he can now share what he's been working on. And it's called the toasters iPhone app. And he included the movie and everything. And it's it's a great new way of implementing a to do feature in an app. And it's very well implemented by the looks of things if you look at a movie and it's completely gesture based and yeah, it's a it's a fun exercise in using a different approach to creating a To Do app. Core ad whilst is trying to figure out what are some okay practices of using either await async or using combine and just when he thought he had a good handle on combined, he looks at the new concurrency stuff. And it's it's starting to look like the future. Pawel indicates that it's again released weak at his work. So he will probably be busy with creating new builds and code signing and all that stuff. And ganache. Padala learned about core data. He created some example app in core data. But he also learned goodwill from the blog posts by Dani which were really helpful. Turns there for release a new tutorial yesterday showing how you can integrate login registration, password reset and error handling into your Swift UI apps with Firebase. Flo writes code finally released a challenge me, it's the latest self improvement app by Flo writes code, and it's been actually going pretty well. And there's some great download numbers, exceeding the expectations by flow. So this week, Flo will do more marketing, and he or she will also create a YouTube video. And Eric Lippmann is at home taking care of his daughter and himself. Both of them got a cold. And Jim is hoping to carve out some time to evaluate a couple of figma swift UI code generators. So very curious to your conclusions, Jim, and Ricky here is back from a week long vacation, so piles and piles of email that needs to be dealt with. So good luck catching up, Ricky. And if I look through all the responses, it's a lot of people dealing with regulated stuff, projects that need to be implemented new features that are being announced that need to be planned. So a lot of laying of groundwork for future releases of apps. And also a number of people have released their products actually onto the world. So good luck, everybody. Hang in there and Keep on coding. And that's it for this week. I have a number of things planned over the coming weeks. So let's dive into that a little bit. I already recorded and edited interviews with Oscar Korok Mustafa Youssef and Kim Arnett. I also recorded with Ana zharkova. I still need to edit that one. And to have interviews planned with Samuel Malia's Sam Geary, and Robert Whittaker. So, a lot of stuff going on. And you will likely discover in the coming weeks why I am creating kind of a backlog of interviews ready to go. But more on that in future episodes of the podcast and you will probably discover it by yourself why this is happening. And I look forward to releasing all this content onto my podcast feeds and I'm really looking forward to any feedback that you might have on all the interviews and other things that are have in store for you over the coming weeks so enjoy your summer and I really hope that you have some vacation plans maybe even talk to you next week

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