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Working on the basics

Jeroen Leenarts Episode 42

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Going back to basics a bit. A smaller set of articles, but ebery link is very much worth your while. Just like every week…

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Practical Combine by Donny Wals
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Jeroen Leenarts:

Hi, and welcome to the 42nd episode of my podcast. My name is Shira Leenarts. And I've been developing software for over 18 years, developing iOS apps for over nine years, and I'm running in Dutch cocoa has for close to eight years. If you're an iOS app developer, you should listen to my podcast because we'll keep you updated on interesting articles and events you might not have heard about. In this episode, I'm going to talk about iOS Dev Building a refreshed flow with async await and swift concurrency, how to create a property wrapper in Swift, how to do print debugging in Swift UI flow layouts with cell sizing items and fixed spacing in UI kits. So let's get started. Donnie walls has an interesting article on building a token refresh flow with async await and swift concurrency. It's post he's done previously, but 10, specifically using a token refresh with combined rather than the new async await feature. So it's very interesting to see what solution Dhoni has come up with to do with Toko refresh flow, using the new concurrency features, and then compare it with what he was able to do with combine. The link will take you to the async await version of his article. But rest assured the combined version of the article is linked to from his own post. What's interesting on the article by Don is that he spends a lot of time on explaining what the exact flow is to do a refresh token call. And he has state diagrams and everything in there to really help you follow along with what's happening in his article. And then, of course, this helps you understand the sample code that is provided at a later stage. So again, an excellent article by Donnie. And if you have to do refresh tokens in your app, this is probably one of the best resources to go to to come to grips with what you could do. Swift, Majid has a nice article on how to create a property wrapper in Swift property represent a feature in Swift that is used on and off depending on who is on your project and what your own liking is to use property wrappers, I'm not a big fan of property wrappers, at least not when using them all over the place. But if you are unfamiliar with what property wrappers are, you should have a look at the article by my cheat, to see how you can create your own property wrapper and what are some use cases to actually use a property wrapper. The one thing that I think you should guard on is that proper rubbish should not be used to create a whole new, sort of like project specific dialect on the Swift language that you are using within your projects. But that's my personal preference. And that's been created based on some experience with similar types of features in other languages. So again, Majid indicates that a property wrapper is a great way to extract reusable logic into a separate type, and use it across the codebase. The next article is by saloon, how to do print debugging in Swift UI. Print debugging is the simplest form of debugging. It's a debugging technique that you can easily carry off to any language or IDE. In UI kit, you could easily trickle around these print statements to trace the flow of execution. Now, obviously, using print debugging is not always the best way to do debugging of your code base. But in some cases, it can be very helpful. If you want to do print debugging, in a swift UI view, there are some things that you need to be aware of. And in this article soon explains what those things are and how you can get print debugging to work but industry UI view collection few API that's very underutilized on iOS 13 and 14 is UI collection, view compositional layout. In the article by Thomas, he explains how you can create a flow layout itself sizing items, and fixed spacing in UI kit, using this UI collection, view compositional layout. It's a very powerful layout that you can use with collection views. And because of the flexibility that it gives, if you are aware of how you can use this layout, it's very easy to create all kinds of layouts quickly and easily. And also be fair dynamic and how layouts exactly looks. So it's a very powerful feature that's available since iOS 13. And I think you should have a look at the UI collection, view compositional layout through the article by Thomas and then finally I mentioned it first in my list of articles of this week is iOS def Def aware has released a big update on his jobs site. And I think you should definitely have a look at it right now because it's it's an amazing resource if you're looking or just want to be aware of what kinds of jobs are out there. Also have a look at the Mac and iOS app that is available with iOS def To receive convenient push notifications based on a filtering that you can configure in Dave's app. And now also Don is Monday morning tweets, I myself indicate to Donnie that I'm brushing up on a basic touch type of skills for about a week. Now, I'm doing that next to podcasting and adding some more content for a book updates and regular day chop work. So nothing big happening this week, which is good every now and then. NIF today found that collection fuse will not call self row if even one cell has a size height of zero. So he's trying to find a solution for that. And he's actually looking into relocating to the Netherlands, and is looking for any advice, biggest advice that I can give is to just do it, and maybe there's more areas in the Netherlands that you can go to then close to Amsterdam. Johanne is not doing anything because he's on vacation. And of course, he's making a lot of food and baking the entire week. But that's just relaxing and spending some time away from a keyboard. fluorites codes indicates that last week, Flo challenged himself to build an app MVP in just seven days, and then launch the app, and he asked people to try it out. So you can test your mental math for free. The app is called 1x. One Jean Martin is working on a travel app, and he's currently struggling on building a horizontal grits within a form and Ben is doing the same thing he does every week. And that's being in a fierce battle with memory graph. And these references are just too strong. Michaela is saying good morning. And she's hoping to learn more about Fastlane tools this week. My Elena Ferro is working on a new control to easily navigate through long lists of names. So he's almost finished. And he has a nice screenshot or animated GIF, I should say that showcases his new control they have Mabu is working on an AR face exercise app, which is fun to make. And it's also teaching him a lot about AR and neck scarf is rewriting sofa bolts to Swift UI. And that's it for this week. I hope you enjoyed my episodes. If you have any feedback, please DM or mentioned me on Twitter at app forest one. You can also support my podcast directly by going to pod dot fan slash app first one. There you can find early access recordings of my future interviews. And each time I do an interview with somebody and make sure to upload it to my pot fan page so that you can have unfiltered access to what I do with my guests. Right now I have early access versions available of my interviews with Joe homme Delgado and Mohammed Azhar. Talk to you next week.

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